Saturday, June 17, 2000

Upcoming Events:
Friday, July 07, 2000
Fletcher's, Baltimore, MD
w/ Pulaski and Moviegoer

It's spring (even if it feels more like summer) and time for a brand new look here at Godholly headquarters. With the new and improved site we hope to bring you all of the latest Godholly news plus a lot of other information about our favorite bands (local and not so local), radio shows, things going on around town -- maybe even some beauty tips if you're lucky. We encourage you to be involved too. If you have anything you'd like to add, we'd like to hear from you.

There are many other new projects in the works around here. Lately we've been spending most of our time getting everything ready for the impending release of our new CD. Work began in March, with Jim supervising marathon recording and mixing sessions in the basement. Now that mastering is almost finished, the final product should be ready by early July. Check back frequently in the coming weeks for an official release date.

On July 7 we will be piling into our cars for a nine hour drive to Baltimore where we will join our pals Pulaski (pla'ske) as they host a CD release party of their own. If you're in the neighborhood, feel free to join us at Ottobar to celebrate the debut of Pulaski's latest Why Are You Doing This To Me? If you missed Pulaski's live show on Alien Transmissions (WAIF 88.8 FM), you can check out a sample and order their new release by visiting them at -- tell them Godholly sent you. They've also promised to return to Cincinnati for a few shows sometime this summer. We'll keep you posted.

In addition to Baltimore, we're working on planning some shows in Boston, New York, and DC for the summer. Those dates and venues will be posted here as soon as they are finalized. We're always looking to play in new cities, so if you're in a band from out of town and are interested in trading shows, please send us an email and we'll see what we can do.

That's all for this installment. Be sure to check out the rest of the site for more information on Godholly and the people and things that we hold dear?